Thursday, June 27, 2013

Glenn Close, closer, closest

Forget Fan Fiction, it's in the past. You're living in the past. Go back to your rotary phones and Bugles (the fried food snack or the horn).  This is the dawn of a new era of super fans, a new day has come. Like the Santa Ana winds, or just a really crisp breeze, the old ways have been blown away. They have been scattered back to the primordial ooze to rest with the mighty Mastodon, or Saber-toothed Tiger, and my favorite scarf that I dropped leaning over the bridge at the La Brea tar pits (it didn't sink or anything, but once a scarf lands in that sludge are you really going wear it again - no way it's caked with prehistoric bird shit, besides I would've had to get someone to hold my waist as I leaned over the railing to get it and apparently tourists get a little squeamish about potentially dropping someone into a vat of ancient dinosaur droppings and sludge that smells like hot Vaseline- although I bet they'd all post a photo of it to their whatever page before you could say Jurassic Park). Anyway, all hail a new era of fandom. The time is now, the time is ripe for...

Glenn Close fan haiku

Your furtive gaze rests
Upon a camera lens
The necklace looks cheap

Annie Lennox stole
Placed in a powdered death match
Your freckles triumph
Shoulder pads denote
A certain type of power
Not to be ignored

So much work involved
Heartless woman is thwarted
Those dogs are long dead

A halo of light
Radiant baseball goddess
Wilford Brimley sneers
High powered Glenn Close
Waited entire season
The pun was case Closed